Our Story:

On November 4, 2020, like many people we anxiously awaited for the U.S. presidential election results. Unfortunately that is when we learned the shocking news that our other home, Ethiopia had just broken out into a civil war. Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced military attacks against the Tigray region. Soon after the announcement the internet and phone links, and electricity were shut off in Tigray, effectively isolating 6 million people from the rest of Ethiopia and the international community. It was clear then that this conflict would spread and bring yet again another devastating humanitarian crisis to Ethiopia.

We launched the “Make Injera Not War” campaign with the intention to raise awareness about the conflicts in Ethiopia. We thought fashion would be a quick way to spread the message. Our merchandise aims to spark meaningful conversation and encourage people to learn more about what is happening. We will be donating 100% of our proceeds to support those being directly affected by this conflict. 

We are excited to be able to partner with Operation Rescue, an NGO based in the capital of Tigray. They focus on supporting orphaned and vulnerable children using community based care. The children are supported academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Operation Rescue opens their facility to these children to receive daily meals, medical assistance, and academic support. They have been supporting children for the last 20 years and have done so using a holistic approach. We understand that this conflict directly impacts all of the children they serve. We can only imagine the influx of children who will need support during this time.

About Us:

We are a collective of diaspora women with Tigrayan roots dedicated to humanitarian efforts. Some of us were born as refugees in Sudan while others were born in the US to parents who escaped the Derg's war in the ’80s. The current war on Tigray and genocide is something we understand too well. We are living proof of the last devastating humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia. Given our personal ties, we knew we couldn't stand by, so we moved to action and started organizing immediately.

This project is dear to our hearts and very much a labor of love. We deeply appreciate your support.